These workshops - held in Malaga, Spain - are an unique possibility to study in the lineage of Sri T. Krishnamacharya in-depth, in the way his youngest son, Sri Sribhashyam received his teachings.
Brigitte Khan is one of his longterm students, studying with Sri Sribhashyam for almost 20 years, and translating his workshops for many years in Heidelberg, Germany, where I attended his seminars for 9 years. He also held an intense weeklong training in Wells, England, where I participated.
After Sri Sribhashyam left his body in 2017, I asked Brigitte to continue to teach, as I love this unique and in-depth way of practicing - connecting our Yoga-Practice to the spiritual, and transmitting the tools for connecting our soul to the source - as the aim of Yoga.
What Sri Sribhashyam handed down to his students was an outstanding way of teaching not only ASANAS - but Asanas with internal concentration (MUDRAS) and PRANAYAMA with concentration points.
The way he taught yoga in conjunction with Philosophy and outlining the role of Pranayama in the
spiritual search, as the most important anga and - in its subtlety - a smooth way into Meditation, was transmitted with all his love - which radiated in our hearts.
I am thankful that Brigitte Khan will share her knowledge and teach in Malaga, Spain,
and we can continue the workshops in September 2024.
Subject & date for May/June 2025 - will come
08-09 June 2025 -
DATE STILL HAS TO BE CONFIRMED (this is by 20-11-2025)
Hatha Yoga Malaga
(15 Min. walk from Plaza de la Merced)
Please send an email or whats-app for registration to
Andrea Panzer
+34 633 323 396
Rafa Valero, Hatha Yoga Malaga
+34 699 381 402
Find out more about Brigitte Khans teachings on
Find out more about Sri Sribhashyam and his teachings and school - Yogakshemam: