Dear friends!
As you might know, there are some exceptional points in the Sri T. Krishnamacharya Yoga about breathing, which differ essentially from other yogaschools.
Its very basic and at the same time very mystical - as the breath is the tool of transformation.
There is the first element - and this is UJJAYI in our tradition.
Breathing without Ujjayi is called here, in the Krishnamacharya Tradition, "WITHOUT BREATH" - so far it goes! That Sri Sribhashyam taught a whole weekend - always letting us do an asana
several times "without breath" and then with breath - with Ujjayi!
Ujjayi - some people translate it with victory breath - but victory about what? About the material, about the karmic patterns to transform, to accumulate Ojas, spiritual energy, to ascend, to go
beyond - beyond the mind stuff, beyond karmic patterns.
The Vital Point which is connected with Ujjayi is called KANTA, its one of the most important concentration points - it is defined as - to clean us from everything, which is not really belonging
to us. How much is this? Its almost everything, as in Yoga we want to transform, to get rid of these old repetitive patterns, beeing able to react and create in a new way.
When Srivatsa Ramaswami checked our breath - he would go along in a distance of 2-3 meters and he wants to hear your breath - it has to have a certain strangth to do its work, to massage all the
tisues and create space, and also to create this opening and closing rhythm in all levels. The most important thing is yet - with Ujjayi, our diaphram reacts and opens ad hoc, and this opens
your lungs from the base to the top, underneath the collar bones.
And - with Ujjayi, we are able to direct energy - when we unite intention and breath. Everywhere we focus on, we then able to release let go or expand.
So internal visualation or concentration has to melt with our Ujjayi to be able to do so.
Therefore - there is an other important aspect - that the breath is not only an inhale and exhale - BUT, there is this most important a space, which HAS to be there - inbetween ex and in, and in
and exhale - to be able to set an INTENTION!
Therefore breath is with
first always EXHALE
set an INTENTION and keep it
set an INTENTIONand keep it
What is the intention and where and how to set this intention?
Thats for the next BLOG...
solong - you may first observe your 12 breath
and then practice - set mini pauses-
feel, how the breathing slows down.